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Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission Probes Kenyan Judiciary
The Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission started investigating allegations of corruption in the Kenyan Judiciary. A team of detectives has been sent to the institution, according to Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission (EACC) chairman Mr. Mumo Matemu. He said the move followed a request by the Hon. Chief Justice of Kenya Hon. Justice Dr. Willy Mutunga.

On Friday 11th October 2013, Hon. Justice Dr Mutunga said he had written to the EACC requesting investigations into the conduct of Judiciary staff. Hon. Justice Dr Mutunga said in order to protect public funds, it is vital to develop a comprehensive anti-corruption strategy. The strategy would come up with measures to stop graft in the Judiciary.

He said that he would soon provide the commission with a list of employee groups and individuals it should begin investigating. According to the Hon Chief Justice, the Judiciary budget has increased significantly as a result of many projects it is undertaking, which may have opened avenues for corruption, especially in the administrative division.

The decision to invite the commission comes in the wake of fallout between the Judicial Service Commission and Chief Registrar Her Worship Gladys Shollei over allegations of misappropriation of funds. 

Source: Daily Nation
Posted 11th, October 2013
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